Booking can be made in person, by telephone, mail, or email, preferably one month before ones intended stay, to secure a place. A non-refundable deposit of at least 30% is required to confirm the booking, and balance to be cleared on arrival.
Payment is to be done by closed cheques, payable to “St. Mary Magdalene Retreat House”. Visitors are advised to arrive during day time. The gate is normally closed at 6:00pm. Visitors are not admitted after 8:00pm. Should there be a genuine reason for coming late, please inform the Retreat House office earlier enough.
For enquiries and Bookings:
St. Mary Magdalene Retreat House,
P.O.BOX 24813 – 00502,
TEL. 020-2379947/2022005
CELL PHONE: 0717 293 658 / 0723 106 365 / 0734 230 672
E-MAIL: stmarymagi@gmail.com
: info@stmarymagdalene-ke.org
For Booking, kindly fill the form bellow