To sponsor a child to receive a proper education and a guaranteed meal every day, one can pay the annual fee of:85 Euros (€) for a child in Nursery School, 160 € for a child in primary school, and 265 € for a child in Familia Ya Ufariji for his secondary, technical schools or University education.

In Italy, one can send his/her contribution on Postal Account no. 12130290 or by transfer to the bank account no. 10665, BANCO POPOLARE subsidiary of Lama Mocogno IBAN IT20C0503466810000000010665.

You will receive a response by letter and valid receipt for tax purposes; You receive the description and the photo of the child you will be sponsoring; You will also receive a confirmation from the Consolata Missionaries responsible.

The school year begins in early January and as well the renewal of the fee adoption; if not by instalments, it is preferable to send the money around the end of the year or beginning of the year – early January. At the end of every scholastic term will be published on the GRG website educational results/performances of each child, i.e. during the holidays in the months of April, August and December.

For more information, visit the GRG website at

In Kenya

To sponsor a child to receive a proper education and a guaranteed meal every day, one can pay the annual fee of: Kshs. 9,500 for a child in Nursery School, Kshs. 18,000 for a child in primary school, and Kshs. 30,000 for a child in Familia Ya Ufariji for his secondary, technical schools or University education.

This Money can be sent to:

Consolata Fathers Charit

NIC Bank – Junction Branch

Acc. No. 1001555727.

You will receive a response by letter and a valid receipt; You receive the description and the photo of the child you will be sponsoring; You will also receive a confirmation from the Consolata Missionaries responsible.

The school year begins in early January and as well the renewal of the fee adoption; if not by installments, it is preferable to send the money around the end of the year or beginning of the year – early January. At the end of every scholastic term will be published on the GRG website educational results/performances of each child, i.e. during the holidays in the months of April, August and December.

For more information, visit the GRG website at